Welcome to

Primal Massage Therapy

Professional therapist with many years experience is here to help.
We do more than just treat your area of complaint. Often the area that hurts is a symptom of something else – somewhere else.
We do different types of massage therapies , also working closely with other health care professionals to provide you with the best care.

Welcome To

Primal Massage Therapy​

Professional therapist with many years experience is here to help. Our goal is to analyze, evaluate, assess your trouble spots to determine the root cause and help resolve them. We do different types of massage therapies , also working closely with other health care professionals to provide you with the best care.
Monday through Sunday: 10:30-19:30
unit 100, 2908 South Sheridan Way Oakville ON L6J 7M1

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Our Services

All prices are before tax.


Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Reflexolgy foot massage

osteopathic Massage

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Contact Us

unit 100, 2908 South Sheridan Way Oakville ON L6J 7M1
10:30 – 19:30

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